Destructible environment

In times of desperation and haste, everything can become a weapon. The environment itself can turn life-threatening, inflicting harm even worse than any conventional weapon. Explosives and special abilities are capable of destroying weak structures and ground tiles within the game.

Concealed Ground

When ground tiles are hit by an explosion, they are revealed. If any explosive effects are present, they are applied, and the tiles are removed from the map. If the removal of the tile results in a hole or chasm, any unit on top of it will tumble into the void and immediately die.


Crates are outright destroyed and removed from the play area. Explosive crates have the potential to detonate upon impact, causing damage to adjacent crates and possibly even to the unit that triggered the explosion.


Columns that are struck will collapse in the direction of the impact, causing 10 points of physical damage to everything in a 2-tile range in that direction. After collapsing, the columns are removed from the map. Any objects or units in the immediate collapsing direction will receive this damage.

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