Rooms & Doors

The battlefield is a maze of terror, with hundreds of interconnected rooms accessible through ominous doors. No one knows what lies behind each door, adding to the constant fear and uncertainty of the fight.

Each room features doors that serve as entry and exit points. Doors are initially locked by default. The level sheet will specify when a door can be unlocked. Once opened, doors can also be locked again after a certain period, as detailed on the level sheet.

A level may consist of a single room or multiple interconnected rooms.

Single Room

When there is only one room, exiting through a door concludes the level, allowing the player to progress in the story.


If the level comprises multiple rooms connected by doors, players can transition between these parts through the doors, as long as both sides of the door are unlocked. Each transition will conclude the unit’s turn, remove it from the room, and spawn the unit inside the next room at the beginning of the upcoming round.

Room Dynamics

Each room has its dynamics and can either be empty to pass through or provide its wave definition. If the room is empty, the wave counter will start or continue if combatants are already fighting in it.

Abandoned Rooms

If a room is abandoned and no player units are within it, all ongoing processes, such as breeding, will end, and all NPCs will be removed, resetting it to the initial state. Reentering the room will restart the wave counter unless defined otherwise by the level sheet. If any door is opened that does not lead to the next room, it will conclude the level.

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