Holy Mother of Spiders
  • Holy Mother of Spiders
With the last of the spiders dispatched, Grunk took a piece of leather and methodically wiped the greenish blood from his face and blades. As he cleaned himself, he reflected on the battle, feeling a twinge of regret for his headlong rush into a horde of enemies–a stark departure from his usual preference for stealth and shadows.

Noticing a huge, freshly made hole in one of the side walls, Grunk’s curiosity was piqued. Cautiously, he approached and stepped through the opening. On the other side, he was met with a staggering sight: an immense spider, multiple times the size of a man, lay dead and decapitated before him.

Grunk concluded that only Cygo could have been responsible for the monstrous spider’s demise. “Sick souvenir he took!” he muttered, beginning to search the area for tracks or any sign of Cygo’s passage, examining the walls and floor with intense focus.

Engrossed in his investigation, Grunk was completely unaware of the movements occurring behind him. The massive spider corpse he had presumed dead began to stir. Its broken limbs snapped back into place with unsettling cracks, and its skin seemed to bubble and seethe as if boiling. The silence was abruptly shattered by a grotesque splashing sound as a new head burst forth from the spider’s torso, emitting a thunderous roar that echoed menacingly through the hall.

Startled by the sudden cacophony, Grunk spun around, his eyes widening in shock. Confronted by the reborn creature, he couldn’t help but exclaim in a mix of awe and horror, “Holy mother of a spider!”